SCG Test on the Welding Joints of PE Gas Pipeline and Study on the Creep Fracture Parameters 聚乙烯燃气管道焊缝的SCG试验与蠕变断裂参量研究
The experimental results show that the stress concentration at the area between tooth root and processing slot resulted in creep fracture flom this region. 结果表明,涡轮盘样齿底部与工艺槽交界处的应力集中导致发生以此为源区的蠕变断裂。
Effects of Rare earth Elements on Creep Fracture Strength of Heat Resistant Steels 稀土元素对耐热钢热强性能影响的研究
For solid propellant, a creep damage evolution model coupled with temperature phase has been established. The creep fracture is tested under uniaxial and biaxial conditions lo determine propellant parameters. 针对复合固体推进剂材料,建立了与温度相耦合的蠕变损伤演变模型,进行了单轴和双轴条件下蠕变破断试验,确定了材料参数。
The nucleation and propagation of creep cracks cause the beginning of the third creep stage. The creep fracture data can be described by the Monkman-Grant relationship. 加速蠕变阶段蠕变速率的增加是由于裂纹的形成和扩展,且其断裂数据遵循Monkman-Grant规律。
Creep Fracture Toughness of Low-alloy Heat Resistant Steels 低合金耐热钢蠕变断裂韧性
Progressive Brittle Creep Fracture of Rock 岩石的累进脆性断裂
Fracture analysis showed that accumulative damage under creep/ fatigue interaction made the fracture morphology changed from transgranular striation to intergranular mechanism which characterizes creep fracture. 断口分析表明,在疲劳&蠕变交互作用下的积累损伤使断口形貌由穿晶条纹机制变为以蠕变特征为主的沿晶机制。
Effect of creep fracture toughness on crack initiation and propagation under creep fatigue interaction 蠕变断裂韧性对Cr-Mo-V钢蠕变-疲劳交互作用下裂纹开裂和扩展的影响
Evaluation of Creep Fracture Toughness and Influence Factor Analysis 材料的蠕变断裂韧性及影响因素分析
The high pressure side of the high-and-low pressure combined rotor for the steam turbine is required to possess high creep fracture strength and high temperature enduring strength, while the low pressure side to have high toughness and low tough-to-brittle transition temperature. 汽轮机高低压联合转子锻件的高压侧要求具有高的蠕变断裂强度和高温持久强度,同时低压侧要求具有高的韧性和低的韧脆转变温度。
A study of creep fracture for a steam turbine rotor material is presented in this paper. 本文对汽轮机转子材料进行了蠕变断裂的试验研究。
Effect of the creep fracture toughness on crack initiation and propagation under creep fatigue interaction for three low alloying Cr-Mo-V steels and their micro-fracture proeesses has been mainly investigated. 本文研究了蠕变断裂韧性对三种低合金Cr-Mo-V钢在蠕变一疲劳交互作用下裂纹开裂和扩展的影响。
Stress intensity factors for creep fracture and their application 蠕变断裂应力强度因子及其应用
Analysis of ⅲ crack creep fracture taking account of the influence of initial co-linear array of microcracks antiplane 考虑初始等距共线微裂纹列影响的Ⅲ型裂纹体的蠕变断裂分析
A Simple Estimated Method of Predicting Creep Fracture Life of 12% Cr Heat-resisting Steel Parts 12%Cr耐热钢件蠕变破断寿命的简单预测方法
Effect of wavy grain boundary on creep fracture behaviour in astroloy alloy Astroloy合金弯曲晶界对蠕变断裂特性的影响
The creep fracture is controlled by the crack formation and crack propagation. The creep fracture data can be analysed by the Monkman-Grant relationship. 蠕变断裂受孔洞及裂纹的形成和扩展所控制,且蠕变断裂数据符合Monkman-Grant关系。
Effect of creep fracture toughness on crack initiation and growth 蠕变断裂韧性对裂纹开裂和扩展的影响
The creep fracture data follow the Monkman-Grant relationship. 蠕变断裂数据符合Monkman-Grant关系。
Creep fractUre for concrete 混凝土的徐变断裂
The engineering approach for analysis of creep fracture parameter under non-steady creep condition 非稳态蠕变裂纹断裂力学参量的工程分析方法
Creep Fracture Mechanical Behavior of Dissimilar Steel Joints Fabricated by Flash Butt Welding 异种钢闪光对焊接头蠕变断裂力学行为
The experimental study on creep fracture of rock 岩石蠕变断裂特性的试验研究
Gray prediction model of unequal time series and its application to creep fracture 非等距时间序列的灰色预测模型及其在蠕变断裂中的应用
Experimental study on rock creep fracture and its implication for earthquake prediction 岩石蠕变破坏实验研究及其对地震预报的意义
Creep fracture process coupled with cavitation in sic_p-al composite SiCp-Al复合材料蠕变断裂与空洞生长